
Unsuccessful candidates may appeal their result within 14 days of being informed of the decision. Appeals are handled in much the same way as the original assessment. They may be considered, at the sole discretion of the Society, by the same or different assessors.

The panel of images is reconsidered from first principles with no reference to the original report. If the application is rejected at appeal, no further appeal is available. However, the candidate is free to submit a new application at a later date, and to appeal subsequent unsuccessful applications. Note that subsequent applications must incorporate at least one new image relative to all previous unsuccessful applications or appeals. However, more changes may typically be advisable.

The result of an appeal is normally sent to the relevant candidate by email within seven days of completion of the appeal process. Brief reasons for the result will be provided, but no other communication with the applicant regarding an appeal will be entertained. The decision of the Society will be final. A charge is made for the appeal process.