
The Society offers a system of qualification which is recognized throughout the photographic industry. The awards not only provide a mark of distinction for successful photographers but also provide clients with confidence that they are dealing with a competent professional. Photographers who have achieved LMPA, AMPA, FMPA, LBIPP, ABIPP, FBIPP, LRPS, ARPS, FRPS or Craftsman of the Guild of Wedding Photographers (prior to 2002) will be awarded with an LSWPP, ASWPP, FSWPP, LBPPA, ABPPA, FBPPA or CrSWPP.

Those having A-level photography, grades A or B, City and Guilds 6924, City and Guilds Senior Award, or BTEC ND in photography will be awarded an LBPPA. Those having a combined BA honours degree in photography, a BA degree in photography, or a BTEC HND in photography will be awarded an ABPPA.

Qualifications awarded by the Society for submitted work are:

Digital qualifications intended to recognize competence in digital image manipulation and output are also awarded at two levels:

These are separate from other licentiate and associate qualifications. Applicants must progress from one to the other and cannot sidestep into or out of the digital route from other qualifications. Check the SWPP website for latest information and further details.