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Personal and specialist galleries may include up to twenty-five images. The longer side of an image should measure 5" (12.5 cm), and files should be in jpeg (72ppi - quality 8, high) format. Borders of up to 0.5" (1.25 cm) width are generally added, bringing the maximum dimension of final images up to a limit of 6" (15 cm). Borders improve web-page presentation and may therefore be added or changed in a sympathetic manner by the website editor to achieve professional editorial consistency across the website. It is recommended that photographers look at current website galleries before adding borders to their images. The Society generally adds borders to images submitted without them. Image files should be named "file01.jpg", "file02.jpg" etc to indicate the order in which they should be presented in the gallery. In the case of personal and specialist galleries, a short title may be added to each image if required. File sizes should typically be in the range 50 - 70 KB. Note that image dimensions and file sizes for exhibition submissions are different. Exceptionally, for example in the case of panoramic images, larger dimensions may be accepted by the Society. Submissions should be accompanied by the appropriate payment made through the shopping cart. However, photographers who are resident in countries where neither appropriate credit cards nor Paypal services are available may submit their images free of charge. Their work will however still be subject to the Society's standards of acceptance.

Only complete and successful distinction panels should be submitted for inclusion in the distinctions gallery. Individual panel images should be sized, formatted, and presented with borders as specified for submissions of personal galleries. In the case of distinction panels, the objective is to display work as it was presented to the relevant judges. Photographers should state for which distinction the panel was submitted, and provide the relevant category information. Borders should match as closely as possible, in colour and design, the mounts submitted to the distinction body at the time of the successful application. Submissions should also include a single image showing the layout used for the complete panel. The longer side of this panel-layout image may have a maximum length of 8" (20 cm). Any text submitted in support of the distinction application may be included in the gallery if required.

Specialist galleries are displayed on the website in much the same way as personal galleries. Size, format and presentation details are the same. All the work submitted must exhibit broadly the same specialist processing or approach. However, one or more photographers may collaborate to produce a single specialist gallery. For instance, two or three people working in the same field, perhaps infrared or underwater work, might choose to pool their images into a single gallery. Specialist galleries are subject to the same twenty-five image limit as personal galleries.

All submissions should be directed to the Society's submissions office. Note that submissions to the Society's annual exhibition are subject to different size limits.

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