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Best time to go: October to May to avoid heat.
Interesting areas: Nile valley, Sinai, Red Sea.
Don't miss:   Cairo, Abu Mena, Aswan, Memphis, Saqqara, Great Pyramids of Giza, Karnak, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, Edfu, Philae, Denderah, Kom Ombo, Tutankhamen's death mask and treasures, St Catherine, Abu Simbel, Wadi Al-Hitan, Cairo’s Mouled Festival, Khan el-Khalili, feluccas, water-pipes, Red Sea reefs.
Opportunities: Life along the River Nile, pyramids, temples, Nubian monuments, archaeological sites, tombs, mud-brick villages, mosques, bazaars, deserts, culture, people, marine life, coral reefs.
Located in: Middle East | Africa

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